Friday, August 24, 2012

Nike is so famous that almost everyone know it all over the world. No matter developed countries or developing countries, Nike has presence stores into and also arrow paying online. Also the agency of Nike has increased recent years, no matter stores or online shops, people all target to be proxy so that they can get the honor to sell Nike shoes. Also the success example of Nike has been used into everywhere, like SEO on the Interent, best manage mechanism in class. All of them show that Nike has achieved the great success which others can not exceed.
This is what small companies learn about and also some big companies imitate, however, they still can not exceed Nike, only to follow the step of Nike. Yet, the manage mechanism which Nike use is really different. As a famous company, Nike not only touch simple area - basketball, even that Nike was famous for its nike air max shoes series. Nowadays, Nike touch reached involve various areas, like Nike soccer shoes which involve football field become the best competetor of Adidas; Nike SB which contained to skateboard, can challenges stunts without possiblity to injure; Nike Free shoes into barefoot running team which just being the represent of Nike new innovation. Almost each area which people pay more attention to can find out the figure of Nike shoes. Alone from this point of view, Nike is succeed which even Adidas, Li Ning and other similar movement series can not achieve.
As the typical examples for SEO, Nike has been researched for a few years. No matter from the structure of Nike website or offical news, articles to society bookmarks, Nike is the biggest winner. Traditional concept of passive acceptance has changed to active search for customers. The website which Nike build is very clearly, and the selection can match into everywhere, no matter what is your mother tongue, you can still find your languages in Nike website. Also different interface is unique with their important event, series. Just like Nike running, you can see runners strive in running, in the match, in mountain, or just in the street. This is really inspiring than other website only selling their products. Also the society bookmarks Nike use is so successful from the example of Nike ads for World Cup "Write the future", as soon as it share into Yahoo Buzz, it achieve great success in selling of Nike shoes, which others can not reach. This is not only the scales of Nike team, but also the wisdom of Nike. Li Ning is also the big brand which announce to exceed Nike in the future, but from creativity of shoes to their ads, the succeed of Nike has lay their succeed for several years, even Li Ning shoes sale lower that the price Nike Air Max 2009 Shoes Sale, it will take times for Li Ning to exceed the manage mechanism at first.

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